Picture Windows

Picture Windows

Picture Windows

A picture window consists of a single pane of glass without a grid to obstruct the view. Also called fixed windows—because they don't open—picture windows let in lots of light and gives a feeling of being inside the view. A picture window is a great way to bring the outdoors inside.

What are the key benefits of picture windows?

Picture windows have many utilities. They can be used to illuminate areas like an attic, garage or stairway where a window that opens isn’t necessary. Or, picture windows can accent a larger spread of casement or double hung windows to add more height in a larger space. Above all, picture windows are a favorite because of their energy efficiency.

What home style is best suited for picture windows?

Due to their versatility, picture windows are suited for all homes. From craftsman to cape cods, picture windows add a custom touch. For examples, browse our photo gallery and search picture window style. You can also look on our manufacturers' sites.

A white house with a large window on the side
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